KRB spreekkamer
RST Care Providers

Maternity care comes to life in magazine

Mothers-to-be like to know everything about their pregnancy and upcoming delivery. No wonder the maternity care division of RST Care Providers has been publishing a magazine for several years, packed with interesting and important information.

De uitdaging

Convey a large amount of information in a clear and positive way through a paper and online magazine.
That was the challenge for RST Care Providers. Expectant women regularly face uncertainty and actively seek information.

De oplossing

Several years ago, KRB created a new corporate identity for RST Care Providers, a national provider of home and maternity care with a Christian identity. The maternity care magazine GEBOR[G]EN was part of the new visual identity. This year, KRB provided a new edition of this publication. The magazine takes the expectant mother (and father) chronologically through the process of pregnancy, childbirth and maternity. Some of the information from the previous edition was reposted, and some was updated. By using new images, the design was brought back up to date. Once again, it turned out that the format of a magazine is very suitable for conveying a large amount of information. Due to the clear, stylish design and the use of appealing images, the reader never has the idea of reading a long(er) story. The result is a beautifully designed magazine (offline and online) of 32 pages that is really interesting for expectant mothers and communicates the unique characteristics of RST Care Providers.
Graphic design Print Online magazine
KRB spreekkamer
KRB spreekkamer
KRB spreekkamer