KRB spreekkamer

From strategic plan to print and online campaign

For health insurers and policyholders, the last few weeks of the year are crucial. Policyholders can re-brand their health insurance, while insurers have the opportunity to acquire new customers. KRB developed and rolled out a new communications strategy for one of the health insurers, Care4Life.

De uitdaging

As a relatively small health insurer, how do we get in front of our target audience?
Health insurer Care4Life offers basic insurance that covers all regular expenses: family doctor and specialists, medications, treatments and hospitalization, and dental care for children up to age 18.

De oplossing

Care4Life's insurance differs from all other providers in one respect: eight treatments that meet with ethical objections among many Christians are excluded from coverage. Those who wish to make a principled choice as an insured can turn to Care4Life. KRB developed a strategic marketing and communication plan for the health insurer, realized communication tools and deployed a media campaign in Christian media. From the beginning of November until the end of December, visitors to Christian websites will see banners with a clear message: When it comes to basic health insurance, you do have a choice. This message is also strongly emphasized in advertisements and inserts for print media. In all expressions, much attention is paid to the call to action: interested parties can switch to Care4Life directly online. In its young existence, Care4Life has become highly visible to its target group and welcomes new policyholders from the beginning of the campaign. This strengthens the market position of this niche player.
Strategic communication Marketing plan Print ads Christian targeting Online bannering
KRB spreekkamer
KRB spreekkamer
KRB spreekkamer